Common-Law Partner

Express Entry is the fastest way to help willing immigrants apply for Canadian Citizenship.

The in-depth guide to qualify to sponsor for Spousal or Common-Law Partner

Who is qualified to sponsor their partner, spouse, or child? Sponsorship of a spouse, partner, or dependent child is permitted if –

  • You are older than 18 years old.
  • You are an Indian registered in Canada under the Canadian Indian Act, a Canadian citizen, or a permanent resident of Canada.
  • If you are a Canadian citizen who currently resides outside of Canada, you must demonstrate that you intend to return to Canada after the individuals you wish to sponsor are granted permanent residency.
  • If you are a permanent resident residing outside of Canada, you cannot sponsor someone.
  • If you can demonstrate that you are not receiving social assistance due to a handicap, you are entitled to sponsor anyone as long as you can provide their basic requirements.

Unless you reside in Quebec, you must pledge to provide for the people you are sponsoring financially for a set amount of time in order to sign up as a sponsor. The task obligates you to:

  • Giving your sponsored family members financial support, beginning when they become citizens
  • Returning any provincial social assistance payments received at that time by your sponsored family members

Additionally, you must agree to specific obligations for the duration of the endeavour time with your sponsored family members. This is the sponsorship contract.

According to the sponsorship agreement,

  • You’ll meet the minimal requirements of the family members you’ve sponsored.
  • The individual you are supporting will work tirelessly to provide for their family.

You must fill up and sign a paper that contains the sponsorship agreement and the undertaking when you apply.

There are certain income prerequisites which are as follows:

To sponsor your spouse, partner, or dependent child, there is often no minimum income requirement. In order to achieve the income criteria, you simply have to demonstrate your financial stability if:

  • If one or more of the dependent children you’re sponsoring are also dependent children,
  • You are supporting a partner or spouse who is the parent of a dependent kid who has one or more children of their own.

Those who reside in Quebec and have received the go-ahead to sponsor, they must fulfil Quebec’s immigration sponsoring criteria.

As, you are required to execute an agreement with the Quebecian government. Your income will be evaluated by the Quebec government in charge of immigration. You should also be aware of who is not permitted to support their spouse, partner, or child-

If any of the following apply to your spouse, partner, or child:

  • You are under the age of 18.
  • When the people you intend to sponsor become permanent residents, you won’t dwell in Canada.
  • You are not a citizen, a resident, or a permanent resident of Canada.
  • A person who has a Canadian Indian Act registration and is recognised as such

You are a transient resident, meaning you have a valid visa or permit to enter Canada temporarily in order to visit, study, or work.

  • Your application for permanent residency is still pending.
  • Prior to submitting your application for sponsorship, you must be a permanent resident.
  • You lack the funds necessary to help the people you wish to sponsor

Your eligibility to sponsor your spouse or partner may be affected if you:

  • A spouse or partner sponsored you to become a permanent resident, and you arrived there less than five years ago.
  • You are still financially liable for a prior spouse or partner you sponsored this indicates that you are still required to care for this individual according to the three-year endeavour.

You might not be qualified to sponsor your partner, spouse, or kid if you:

  • You’ve previously submitted an application to sponsor the spouse, parent, or kid you’re trying to sponsor, but it hasn’t yet been decided.
  • Are detained in a penitentiary, prison, or jail
  • Didn’t reimburse:
    1.A loan for immigration
    2.Performance guarantee
    3.Child support or alimony payments that have been mandated by the court
  • In the past, you signed a sponsorship agreement to sponsor someone else, but you didn’t provide the financial support you promised.
  • Filed bankruptcy but haven’t received a discharge

Have a need for social assistance other than a disability

  • You were found guilty of committing, trying to commit, or threatening to commit.
  • Any sexual offence committed inside or outside of Canada, any offence against a relative, or any violent crime.
  • You have a Removal Order, and you must leave Canada since you are unable to do so lawfully.

You might not be able to sponsor your husband, partner, or kid for a variety of other reasons. If you are found that you are not qualified to sponsor.